The Community WE CAll home

What Makes Brookshire Estates
Special Place to Live

  • Superior Value based upon Quality and Pride of Ownership
  • Spacious Properties Close to the Cities of Issaquah, Sammamish & Bellevue, WA
  • Homeowners Committed to Increasing Their Investments Value thru Continuous Maintenance and Beautification
  • Consistently One of the Real Estate Industry's Top Eastside Communities for Value and Quality
  • John Buchan Development; A Builder Recognized for Quality Workmanship, Lasting Value and a True Community/Neighborhood Feel

Brookshire Estates Home Owners Association serves the Brookshire Community by striving to maintain and improve the value of each of our homes by maintaining and improving the value of the entire community - Brookshire.  This is done by emphasizing the maintenance, beauty and improvement of common areas and by assuring strict adherence to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) which govern the maintenance and appearance requirements for each of our homes.  Our goal is to support our  homeowners by making our neighborhood safe, attractive and inviting while improving property values.  When everyone pulls together, the community thrives on all levels.

Our Mission

Brookshire Estates is dedicated to shaping our community by maintaining property beauty and optimal change throughout our neighborhoods. Working toward the greater good, we strive to maintain an open door policy of communication with our members and residents.